
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

DIY Ribbon Bolts {Mini Tutorial}

I've got a sick kiddo today, so we've been taking it easy...resting, watching movies, and since he can't stay still even when he's sick, playing with trains.

We're taking a quick break to share this handy mini tutorial with you. He's being a sweet boy and sitting on my lap as I type. :-) On to the tutorial. It's easy, but such a great idea!
Yesterday, I showed you my DIY Fabric Bolts. When I was making those fabric bolts, I remembered that I had seen something similar for ribbon. Unfortunately, like my DIY Coupon Holders, I can't find where I saw it! I don't think I imagined seeing it...who knows though. I'm a bit scatterbrained today. Earlier, I was trying to find the socks I set down, so I could put them on my little guy's feet; then I realized that I had already put them on his feet! Oh boy...

Anywaaaay! Back to the tutorial. Here's what you'll need. 

  • A mess of ribbon
  • Heavy card stock
  • Paper Cutter
  • Tape

Step 1: Cut pieces of card stock 2.5x4.75 inches..
Step 2: Attach one end of the ribbon to the card stock with tape.
Step 3: Wrap the ribbon around the card stock and fasten the end with tape.

You're done! You probably see now why called it a mini tutorial. They should look something like this.
I also used the "bolts" that some of my ribbon came on to wrap and rewrap some of the other ribbon.
It's so much nicer than before!
 And now I can get it all in my ribbon container with ease!
I think it took more effort for me to write this tutorial than it did to do this project, so it's definitely something to try. 

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I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.


  1. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Besides getting everything organized, I think the ribbon looks so pretty all neat and tidy on those bolts. Seeing all the colors would certainly inspire me :)

  3. What a great idea! I definitely need to remember this one when I get to organizing my ribbons. I'm still working on my fabrics. Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday! I hope you will share with us again this week!


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