
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Recipe Thursday: Pinned Recipes and Time To Cook Link Party

I don't have a recipe of my own to share today, BUT I do have a few recipes to show you that I've pinned and tried recently. Then, who doesn't love a party? Since I didn't have a recipe to share, I thought we'd change things up a little and have a link party, so YOU can share your recipes. Fun, right? I think so. :-)

We'll get to the party in a moment, but first, some of those yummy recipes I've pinned and tried.

This Slow Cooker Cream Cheese Chicken recipe from Six Sisters' Stuff was so, so delicious and EASY! You gotta love easy and when it's delicious on top of's perfect!

We tried this Zesty Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken recipe (again from Six Sisters' Stuff) last night. It was gooood AND easy!

I make this next one all the time (I may be addicted). It's also from Six Sister's Stuff and is a Healthy Green Smoothie Recipe. It has spinach (that's right, you heard me :-)) in it and you can't even taste it!

Well, I guess all the recipes were from Six Sisters' Stuff! If you haven't checked out their blog, you really should. Beware, though, it's bound to make you hungry! They have soooo many yummy looking recipes! 

I have a lot more recipes pinned (many from Six Sisters' Stuff) on my For the Kitchen & Recipes board.

Take Time To Cook Link Party
Now on to what you've all been waiting for! The party! I'm excited to see some new recipes and can't wait to get pinning. :-) I'm not sure if I'm going to make this a weekly party or not, so let me know if that's something you'd be interested in joining every week.

There are NO rules. 
Of course I'd love for you to follow me, but that's not a requirement. 
All I ask is that you link recipes that you've made (or even featured on your blog) and visit some of the other links and leave them some love. We all like to meet new friends! :-)


  1. Thanks for inviting me - I would love for you to come by my link party on Monday as well. I open it up on Sunday and you can link up to 3 posts. My favorites gets featured on my blog and facebook.


  2. Thanks for the invite! That smoothie looks great! TGIF!

  3. Thanks for inviting me and good on you to host the party! am your newest follower. Would be lovely if you would like to follow back, but no hard feelings if not :-)

    1. Thanks for the follow, and I'd love to follow you back! :-)

  4. thanks for the pins and the hop!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    I just love the smoothie, especially!

    1. The smoothie is my favorite! I'd love to follow you back and thanks for following me. :-)


I am no longer actively blogging here at Taking Time To Create, so if you have a specific question, please email me at Thanks so much for stopping by!