
Friday, April 20, 2012

Rockin' Baby Burp Cloths

I saw this tutorial over at Made and decided that burp cloths would be the perfect thing to make with some fabric remnants I picked up at JoAnn's. I didn't exactly follow the tutorial though, so I'll give you a little run through. It's basically just sewing a couple pieces of fabric together...super easy. :-)

I was working with smaller pieces of flannel, so I made them a bit smaller. For the back, I had a weird shaped piece of fabric, so I cut two pieces of the flannel measuring 7.25x10.5 inches and sewed them together giving me one piece measuring 10.5x14 inches.

I cut my top piece to match the size of this combined piece 10.5x14 inches. 
This is where I followed Dana's instructions. Stack the pieces so the right sides face each other and sew around three sides of the two pieces. Trim the corners and turn them inside out. Tuck the raw edges of the open end inward and sew around all the edges about 1/4 inch away from the edge. I ironed the edges inward and pinned the open end shut before I started sewing. 

TIP: To ensure that your corners line up, start sewing the edges toward the middle of one of the edges rather than at the corner. I thing it's easier to line up the joining seams once you get all the way around.

Since my cloths were a little smaller than those in the tutorial, I decided to just have them fold in half where the seam to the back piece was. So, I just sewed a seam along that back piece seam to help create the fold.

That fabric is so cute and rockin'!

I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.


  1. These burp cloths are so cute! We loved having you link up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." Hope you'll be back soon! -The Sisters

  2. I really needed these when my kids were little. I never thought of making them. Thank you so much for sharing them on Dare to Share. I look forward to more of your posts.



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