
Friday, April 20, 2012

Five Favorite Finds Friday

Here are a few of my favorite things I've seen around Blog Land and Pinterest this past week.

This Balloon Car from (cool) progeny looks like a lot of fun.

This tip from The Bean Sprout Notes on her Balloon and Corker Ribbon Birthday Wreath post is genius and such a money saver!

This Fizzy Fun from Kadydid Designs is a lot of fun! We tried it yesterday, and I'll try to share it sometime next week.

This DIY Bird Feeder from Cheerios & Lattes looks easy to make and uses materials that you can find around the house or pick up for a little bit of nothing.

Here's another one from Cheerios & Lattes. I can't wait to try this Skillet Queso Dip (from Chili's)

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