
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Keep 'Em Busy {Baking Soda Bubbles}

I pinned this fun activity the other day, and we've already done it twice! It's the same concept as the Volcano Eggs we did for Easter. I figured I'd share it with you too, and what better way to share it than with pictures! It is definitely an activity that requires supervision,especially if you're going to do it with someone as young as my little guy, but it's tons of fun!
Pretty cool, huh? My little guy saw the vinegar in the pantry yesterday and started asking for "bubbles", so I know he really enjoys it!

I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties. 


  1. Great fun! We have done "volcanoes" several times over the years, but not this. We will have to give it a try!

    I followed you from your link at Happy Family Times. My link is here:

  2. Looks fun! I will have to try this with my kids! :-)

  3. I have a two year old and can't wait to try it! I saw it on Pinterest too, but it's nice to hear from someone who's actually done it! Thanks so much for linking up at Reasons To Skip The Housework!

    Tuesday Time Out Linky Party


    Reasons To Skip The Housework {The Blog}
    Tinker B Boutique {The Shop}

  4. Good fun :-) thanks for sharing on Happy Family Times!


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