Today's book is The Tooth Book. It's a very cute book and a good way to introduce little ones to the idea of their teeth falling out to be replaced by new ones someday. After we read it, my little guy decided that he wanted his new teeth--now. There are still a few years to go on that one, but I'm glad he likes the idea!
There are some cute and fun ideas out there for teeth activities. Check them out!
Source: teachpreschool.org via Erin C on Pinterest
Source: jdaniel4smom.com via Erin C on Pinterest
Celebrating Dr. Seuss's Birthday from JDaniel4's Mom
"D" is for... from Teaching Mama
More Fun Toothy Ideas
Source: teachingmama.org via Erin C on Pinterest
"D" is for... from Teaching Mama
More Fun Toothy Ideas
Everyone brush your teeth together.
Make teeth impressions in something soft (but edible) like bread.
Bite different kinds of foods and check out the different kinds of bite marks. Your bit marks look different in a pieces of bread than they do in something harder like a carrot.
Head to the zoo and try to see as many different kinds of teeth as you can. You could also look through animal books or through some of your kids' toys for this activity.
Look through photo albums and check out everyone's teeth.
Visit the dentist. I know this doesn't sound like a fun activity, but this book may be a good way to introduce and get your kids' warmed up to the idea of the dentist. It'll at least open the door to the conversation about taking care of your teeth, etc.
Visit the dentist. I know this doesn't sound like a fun activity, but this book may be a good way to introduce and get your kids' warmed up to the idea of the dentist. It'll at least open the door to the conversation about taking care of your teeth, etc.
I'm sharing some of our Dr. Seuss-A-Thon activities via Instagram and Twitter. If you're joining us, I'd love it if you would share too, and use #DrSeussAThon when posting.
This Week's Books:
Monday: Horton Hatches The Egg and Horton Hears A Who
Tuesday: The Foot Book
Wednesday: The Tooth Book
Thursday: Hop on Pop
Friday: There's A Wocket in My Pocket!
This is where I party:
Mondays: Sweet Sharing Monday | The Girl Creative | Destination: Cutesy Monday | What's In The Gunny Sack | Made by you Monday | Make It Yourself Monday | Mop It Up Mondays | Make The Scene Monday | Make It Pretty Monday |
Tuesdays: Show Me What You Got | Tuesday Time Out | Tasteful Tuesdays | Too Cute Tuesday | Tuesday's Treasures | Trendy Tuesday
Wednesdays: Super Link Party | Show & Share | {Wow Me} Wednesday | From Dream To Reality | Create & Share | What I Whipped Up Wednesday | What We Wore & Made Wednesday | The Creative Spark Wednesdays | Milk & Cuddles | Made By Me Wednesdays | Adorned From Above | Creative Muster
Thursday: Pin'Inspirational Thursday | Recipe Roundup | A Crafty Soiriee |Taylor House Thursday | Transformation Thursday | Hookin Up With HoH | Creative Juice Thursday | Live Laugh Linky Thursday | Link Party Thursday | Taking A Time Out Thursday | Eat Make Grow | Off The Hook
Fridays: Delicately Constructed Fridays | Flaunt It Friday | Financial Friday Link Up | Friday Fun Party | Friday Flair | Pity Party | Frugal Friday | Friday Favorites | Weekend Craft Soiree | Weekend Warmth | One Creative Weekend | Tasty Creations |
Saturdays: Strut Your Stuff Saturday | Once Upon A Weekend | Sharing Saturday | Dare To Share Saturday | Craft, Create and Inspire | A Pinteresting Party | Serenity Saturday | Saturday Spotlight | Your Great Idea | Show and Tell Saturday
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