
Monday, May 14, 2012

Post Mother's Day Post

The title is goofy, I know. I just couldn't think of anything creative to say "the post to fill you in on what I've been doing while I wasn't posting." Hmmm...well, this one will have to do I guess. :-)

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! Mine was fantastic and actually started on Friday night when my hubby couldn't wait to give my Mother's Day gift and surprised my with one of these babies:
Kindle e-reader: device frontal view
I'm super excited and LOVE it!

I unintentionally took a little Mother's Day break from blogging last week. After reading this post from The Girl Creative back in April, though, I think it's ok and even a good thing every now and then to take a break. I'd like my blogging to stay fun! :-)

That being said, we've had little projects going on the past week or so that I hope to share soon, but here's a little of what I've been up to and a few projects I tried out for Mother's Day.

From grocery shopping to garden planting, it was a busy week leading up to Mother's Day!

I had already started planting seeds earlier in the week, but I finished up the "sowing" just in time for a couple of wonderfully rainy days. I'm so excited and can't wait to see the sprouts pop out of the dirt. I'll have better pictures later in the week...I promise :-)
We usually get our moms some type of flowers (usually a hanging basket) for Mother's Day, so we kept with that tradition, but I also made a couple of these Family Art Signs. One for my husband's mom with to represent his side of the family and one for my mom to represent my side of the family. They were great gifts!
The art pictured above is the version I did just for my little family.
I also made my own version of this strawberry lemonade recipe from Alana's Ramblings as a punch for our Mother's Day lunch. It turned out great, and I'm hoping to get the measurements figured out soon, so I can share my version of the recipe with you. :-)

On a side note, I got yogurt in my eye at one point last week and that stings! I'm not sure what happened, but a bowl of yogurt I was carrying flew all over the kitchen and into my eye. Ouch! 

I hope your week and weekend was as fantastic as mine, and I look forward to posting more this week. :-)

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