
Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Weekend Plans

It's a gloomy, foggy, rainy morning here in Colorado. It's one of those mornings that you'd just like to curl up on the couch under a blanket and read or watch a movie. So, I'm snuggled up for a little while to write this post, but then I've got to get to work getting ready for this weekend! We've got all kinds of plans, and in case you're still looking for some Easer ideas, I thought I'd share some of them with you.

Tomorrow afternoon and evening we are going to have an Easter Egg Dyeing party. We'll probably keep it simple and just do the food coloring, water and vinegar dying since our little guy is only two, but there are some great ideas out there that I'd love to try. We'll see how adventurous we're feeling tomorrow. Here's some of those great ideas:

Volcano Egg Dyeing from Toddler Approved! looks like fun and may be something we can try out with our little guy. There are some great ideas for what to do with those eggs after dyeing them too.

I had to go on a bit of a "hunt" (haha, get it?) to find the original source for this pin. When I saw it, I thought it was done using stickers, but it turns out they used leaves! I think I may still experiment with using stickers though.

There are a few more egg dyeing ideas on my Easter's A Hoppin' board on Pinterest.

We're having my little guys grandparents over to participate in the egg dyeing. He's the only grandchild on both sides, so they both like to be part of these little events. It's so awesome! Anyway, since we're doing it around dinnertime, we're going to eat dinner together too. I wanted something simple for dinner, so we're going to have spaghetti using the recipe below from Six Sisters' Stuff.

I'm also planning on making this yummy dessert from Woven Home. It's a little more involved than the spaghetti, so I may make it ahead of time today or in the morning. We'll see. It looks sooooo good though!

Sunday we're going to church of course, and I made my Easter dress. I'm hoping to get a family picture, so I'll share pictures of it later. We'll probably give our little guy his Easter basket after church (see what we're putting in it here). We're going to my husband's parents for Easter lunch and I'm going to make these cupcakes from Yesterday on Tuesday for dessert:

We'll have an Easter Egg Hunt of course and here's what we're putting in the eggs. My little guy will be the only one hunting, so it's all about him. :-)
  • Cardboard Trucks
  • Finger Puppets
  • Stickers
  • Chapstick
  • Coins (don't worry we'll supervise him with these) :-)
  • Little snacks like Goldfish crackers and Cheerios 
I'll be sure to take lots of pictures, so I can share how everything turns out!

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