
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Stretch Your Garden Dollar: Spray Painted Pots

You know those pots that plants usually come in from the store? Sometimes they're just a thin plastic and sometimes they're pretty sturdy. Over the years, I've collected several of these that I couldn't manage to part with even though I wasn't going to use them to display any flowers (not sure why I was saving them). Then I had a thought: spray paint!
That's how these lovelies were born. They were originally a combination of blacks, greens, and that earthly, sort of orange color that we typically see in pots. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, so I bought the cheapest spray paint I could find and sprayed away.

They aren't perfect...
But that was largely in part to operator error/impatience. Yeah, I can be impatient...working on that though. :-) Even with my impatience, they mostly turned out great! The spots you can see in some of the pictures are water spots from the sprinklers. :-)

I think they have the effect I was going for though, and who can beat $5.00 for this many colored pots (I even painted a larger one that's not pictured here)? Not bad if I do say so myself.
They add even more color to the flower bed than just the flowers would. Love, love it! At some point I may have to spray paint my nicer pots that are that terracotta color (there! I remembered what's it's called...not just earthy, sort of orange). I think it adds some extra "umph"...a punch of color.

And the colors of the pots are a great compliment to the flowers...

Loving them!

I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties. 


  1. Hi! Visiting from a link party. I love your flower pots! The colors are great! I get impatient waiting for my spray paint projects to dry too :)

    I would love for you to share this at my Friday link party.. it just started! :)

  2. Lovely redo and what a terrific welcome to your place. Can't get enough colour after the whole winter of grey.

    Thanks so much for sharing at our Pin'inspiration Party. I'm now a very happy new follower C:

  3. Totally cute way to up-cycle the pots :)Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday this week. I can't wait to see what you link up next week. Have a wonderful weekend.


  4. They turned out great!!! I wouldn't have thought to spray paint them! Great idea!


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