
Thursday, April 5, 2012

I've Been Distracted {A Zoo Trip}

It's been almost a week since I last posted! Oops! :-) I've been distracted with things like this little guy.
{Sorry, it's a cell phone picture, so it's not the greatest}
We went to the Denver Zoo and camping this past weekend. It was pretty cool! This guy was staring at us...wonder if he was hungry? :-)
It's hard for little ones to see over the barriers when they're in a stroller, so we did a lot of carrying (and he walked a lot too of course).
My little guy was obsessed with this big guy. Kind of a funny animal to like, but I think he may have remembered the hippos from our trip to our local zoo at Christmas time. They were more active than this guy and were making all kinds of noise and blowing water everywhere.
I thought this guy was a little more interesting. He wasn't moving around a lot, but he did strike a funny pose. It was like he was bored with us. :-)
There were a couple of fun ways to see how you measured up to the animals.
This was to measure your arms compared to one of the monkeys. We always say he has monkey arms. I guess we're right about that! :-)

This makes me feel a little better about how big he's getting. He's still got a ways to go. :-)
We were camping too, so the next day we went to check out the reservoir. My little guy loved playing in the water of course. He's got his helmet on because we rode our bikes down there. I sometimes think it wouldn't be a bad idea to have him wear it all the time though. Boys fall a lot! :-) 
(I'm kidding, but it has saved his head a couple times when he had been riding and was just walking or running around)

Taking a trip like that always seems to throw off my blogging groove. Maybe I need to plan ahead a little better. 

I've got a couple projects that aren't quite ready to share, but a took a little time to create some Easter projects last night. I'll be sharing those shortly. I normally don't post more than once in a day, but I'm trying to make up for the lack of posting, so I'll have at least a couple more posts today. Keep an eye out for them!


  1. What fun!! I would like to invite you to share at our new link party, Happy Family Times at We are hoping to inspire all of us to have more family time.

  2. Thanks for sharing at Happy Family Times, looks like a great family outing. I love the gorilla pic!


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