
Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend {Volcano Egg Coloring}

We had a fantastic Easter weekend, and I think I may have really worn myself out! I was going, going all weekend, and we did everything we had planned here.

See the beautiful eggs above? We created those on Saturday using the Volcano Egg Dyeing technique I originally saw here at Toddler Approved! It was so much fun and the results were really, really cool. 

  • You basically make a paint out of baking soda, water, and food coloring.
  • After painting the eggs with the baking soda pains, you drop food coloring directly onto the eggs. The more colors the more fun.
  • Then, you pour vinegar over the eggs and watch the eruption!
We did this on paper plates with a good lip, so the eggs wouldn't roll off. We did the regular dipping the eggs in the dye technique too. My little guy really seemed to enjoy it. :-) The "tie dye" looking eggs are the ones make with the volcano technique.
Our coordinating outfits came out nicely for Easter day. I mentioned that I made my dress, and it turned out great! 
There was Easter egg hunting...
 And a little "mowing" (and bike riding-thus the helmet)...
 Then we walked to the park...
 And we spotted some pretty blooms on the way back from the park.
There's a little view of our weekend.We enjoyed the time with family and the wonderful reminder that Easter brings of the love Jesus has for us all.  I hope yours was as blessed as ours. 

P.S. I even created a new recipe this weekend for Peanut Butter Banana Bread. Be sure to check back on Recipe Thursday this week for that!

I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties. 


  1. Oh that is so cute! Love the volcano eggs. I will have to try that next year. I did polka dot and glitter this year which was a blast.

    -Sarah @

    1. Polka dot eggs sound so cute! I may have to try that next year. :-) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Looks like you had a lovely time :-) I love your matching green outfits! Green is my favourite colour, my wedding dress was even green ;-) I'll keep your volcano eggs in mind for next year.

    Thanks for sharing on Happy Family Times.

  3. What a great weekend!! Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!


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