
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Boy Blogs

Boys, boys, boys! I grew up with two sisters and no brothers, so having a little boy has been a new adventure for me. Scenes like this are a regular occurrence.

I've had to get over (or try to get over) some of my girlish dislikes...things like dirt and bugs. I am not a fan of bugs (even ladybugs), but I'm trying to get over that one. I'll draw the line at snakes, though. I cannot stand them and never will tolerate them.
Anyway, the reason for this post...I find that a lot of blog posts out there have girls as the focus. There's nothing wrong with that and I enjoy looking at these post (just in case there's a little girl someday) :-), but I get excited when I come across a blog that has boys as the focus. I like to see ideas for my little guy. I got to thinking about this and thought I may not be alone in this. Do you have a little boy and are looking for ideas for him? I'm creating a list of "Boy Blogs" that I come across (you can see them in my sidebar). Some may not be exclusively about boys but they'll have boys as one of the main focuses. Here are a few for starters: 

All for the Boys-Allison is a mom of two boys who writes this blog. She posts lots of fun ideas for things to do with your boys and has a great series called "Fort Friday" where she features forts that others have created and shared with her.

I Am Momma-Hear Me Roar-Cheri is also a mom of two boys. She's always coming up with cool things for her little guys to wear. It doesn't end there, though. She's got lots of ideas for around the home and here Wake up Wednesday series is great!

Finley and Oliver is another great blog written by a mom of two boys. Her DIY Travel Lego Box is what first got my attention, and I'm enjoying reading some of her other ideas too.

Modern Parents Messy Kids isn't exclusively about boys, but there are some great ideas that can be for boys or girls and some that are more for boys (Steph does have at least one little boy). There are too many posts to just pick one favorite, but the most recent that I like was her Munchies to Keep You Going All Day Long post.

Made By Joel is written by Joel who has twins, one being a boy. He's got really great ideas for making toys for your little ones. I bought his book and LOVE it. My Cardboard Trucks were based on a project in his book.

Do you have a blog with boy themed posts? I'd love to check it out, so please leave a comment with the address below. :-)

I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.

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