
Monday, March 12, 2012

Winter Weekend Adventure{And A Magnetic Marble Track}

We had a wonderful time this weekend on our little winter weekend adventure! We can feel Spring coming here in our part of Colorado, but there are still places with lots of snow. We decided to go find some this weekend in Breckenridge, CO. It was lots of fun and I have pictures to share with you after a quick little project for the little ones. :-)

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I first saw this idea on Pinterest, and one day decided to give it a try. I have to admit, though, that I think I like the original version better and will probably revamp mine a little.

I think it's pretty self explanatory, but I'll tell you what I did. I just cut toilet paper and paper towel tubes and hot glued them to magnets (I used the kind that come with your phone books). It's easy. If you'd like to put a little more detail into it, you could add tape like in the version I pinned. :-) That's pretty much it. My little guy has had a lot of fun with this project and asks for it just about every day since I made it.

And now on to our winter weekend adventure!

We left Saturday morning with my husband's parents and headed to Breckenridge, CO. Our first little adventure was...snowshoeing! We hadn't done it yet, and it was soooo much fun! Here are a few pictures from our first experience with it. We're planning on doing it again next year for sure!

We had so much fun in the snow that we decided to go on another little adventure...sledding! Breckenridge has a city park with an awesome sledding hill. My husband and I had been sledding there before, but we were excited to take our little guy. He loved it!

We had quite a day and wore ourselves out. Our little guy fell asleep at dinner and we all went to bed pretty early. It was so worth it was all so much fun! Who doesn't love playing in the snow?  If you're ever have the opportunity, you should definitely take some time to play in the snow. :-)

I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.


  1. How fun!! I wish we still had or even got a good amount of snow this winter. My poor daughter wanted to build a snowman and we really didn't get enough of the right kind of snow to do it. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday! I hope you will share with us again this week!

    1. It seems like there hasn't been as much snow this winter anywhere. :-( It's too bad; I love to play in the snow and so does my son. I'll be sure to stop by again at Sharing Saturday this week. :-)


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