
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dry Erase Busy Book{Otherwise Known As A Quiet Book}

Happy Valentine's Day to you all! I hope you're doing something special with that special someone. :-) If you're looking for a Valentine's post, please check out yesterday's post for a quick last minute valentine. It's a cutie. :-) 

Today, though, I'm going to share the Dry Erase Quiet Busy Book with you. I'll explain that name change in a sec.

When I saw the "Dry Erase Quiet Book" at I Am Momma Hear Me Roar, I decided I had to make one for my little guy.

I did have to rename it for us though, because my little guy is hardly ever quiet. The kid has to be one of the loudest kids ever...we're working on that. Anyway, I thought it might be a good thing to take to restaurants. Turns out it's also great a home too. It keeps him busy when I'm trying to get something done and need to keep his little hands busy...thus the name "Busy Book". :-) He's one of those kids that wears you out just watching him, so you know it's great if it keeps him busy.

I won't go into much detail on the construction as it's pretty simple. You print different coloring pages or activity page, slip them in page protectors, and place them in a binder. That's it. Super simple. 

I couldn't quite let it be at that though. The books on I Am Momma Hear Me Roar had cute little covers, so I decided to jazz it up a little too. I had picked up a remnant of this cute little lion fabric at JoAnn's one day that was just perfect for a book slip cover since I also had matching felt to create letters for his name.

Then, I decided to add a pocket to the back of the book cover for the dry erase markers and a cloth for cleaning the pages (he has fun doing that too). 

It's simple and relatively inexpensive to make. You can just Google for coloring pages that interest your little one, or I have a list below of where I found our pages. I also created a few pages with pictures of our family turned into pencil sketches (I did this in Picnik). You can also download the document I created with my little guy's pages here

List of page resources:

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I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.


  1. this is so cute! Thank you for linking up to the party!


  2. What an awesome idea! This is such a practical gift! I love it!

  3. What a great idea!! Thank you for sharing it at Sharing Saturday!! We hope you will join us again this week!

  4. I love this idea! The pocket for the markers is so clever too!

    1. Thanks! I've been enjoying your blog for quite a while, so it's nice to have you stop by mine. :-)


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