
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

14 Days of Valentines {My Version}

Thanks to Ashley over at Mommy By Day...Crafter By Night for coming up with the 14 Days of Valentines! I was so excited for this idea when she posted it. I did a few things a little differently, but stuck to her version for the most part. Here's my version:

Day 1
Day 2
I found a template to create my own take out box. I found the template here.
Day 3
Day 4 is "Love Potion". I'm planning on getting a favorite drink of my husband's for this day. 
UPDATE: I ended up revising Day 4. Check out my version of "You're My Other Half" here.
Check out Ashley's version here.  
Day 5

Day 6

Day 7
 Day 7: I got this cute little box at the dollar store and am planning on filling it with heart shaped candies.

Day 8
 Day 8: This is the one I changed up a bit. My husband LOVES my sugar cookies, so I'm going to make him some of those-heart shaped of course! I just did a little photo shopping to change the printable from "cupcake" to "cookie".
Day 9

Day 10
 Day 11: "I've Got A Crush On You". I'm going to get some orange crush for this one. Check out Ashley's version here.
Day 12

Day 13
I've haven't put the pieces of paper in here yet, but I sat down and wrote out 10 things I love about my husband yesterday. It makes me appreciate him even more! I had an empty jar from pimentos that was the perfect size, so I just spray painted the lid. 

Day 14: "I Love You, Valentine" I'm going to get my husband something special and put this printable on it. I  just haven't decided what that will be yet.

I hope you enjoyed my version, and if you haven't already checked out her blog, you should stop over and see Ashley at Mommy by Day...Crafter By Night. It's one of my favorite blogs!

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I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.


  1. This is adorable- love it!I am visiting from Southern Lovely and I am a new follower! Hope you have a great day!

  2. I love all of these... I especially like "I love you more than chocolate and that's a lot." I might just have to get that for my hubby... he would get a kick out of that, he knows how much I love chocolate :) Thanks for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday.


    1. Thanks for stopping by and I'm enjoying the party!


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