
Monday, January 23, 2012

The Coolest Cake I Have EVER Made! {A Two Year Old’s 2nd Birthday Cake}

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I have to say that I may have outdone myself on this one. I don’t like to brag, but I am pretty darn proud of myself about his project. I envisioned it, and it came out as planned if not better! Months and months ago, when I was first discovering “Blogland” as some call it, I came across this birthday cake at Creative Jewish Mom. I think it was the first thing that I found that I HAD to make. So, I filed away the idea in my head for January. It was a good thing I was so excited about it too, because I somehow didn’t actually make a note of how to get back to
the post anywhere else. :-) You know I was excited about it since I managed to remember it 6 months later. Anyway, on to the cake!

I made 2 yellow cakes in regular ol’ 9x13 cake pans (My grandma’s recipe that I’ll be sharing this coming “Recipe Thursday”), and then I let them cook until they were downright cold (or at least room temperature). I think this and the huge amount of “greasing” and “flouring” the pans I did helped the caked to come out of the pans in
one piece. I placed them next to each other (touching) on the biggest cutting board in the world (Ok, maybe it wouldn’t win any world records but it’s BIG!) which I’ll be using as a platter.  Sorry for the lack of pictures here…I was so excited to move on to creating the “2” that I forgot to take any! If you’re braver than I am, then you can freehand it and start cutting your cake into the number of your choosing. Brave, I am not, however,
especially when it comes to “free handing” something. So, to play it on the save side I got out my wax paper, ripped off a piece the size of my cakes, placed it on the cakes for reference, and drew my “2” on
the paper. Then, I cut the “2” out of the wax paper and placed the paper back on the cakes. I tried to draw the “2” as close to the edges as possible, so I would lose as little cake as possible (we still want to have plenty to eat, right?).

…I took a deeeeep breath…
…crossed my fingers…
…and started cutting the cake.

When I was done, I couldn’t believe how well it turned out! I just kept saying, “It’s so cool!” Anyway, I picture is worth a lot more than my ramblings, so here’s what it looked like at this stage:

I got busy with the frosting next starting with a layer of vanilla (I just bought the stuff in the can…shame on me!) and then I added the road. I had to buy the frosting/icing for the road. I couldn't figure out how I could make the frosting black and not purple or bluish, so I just opted for the stuff in the tube.

I got out my handy dandy Pampered Chef decorator bottle set and went to town decorating the edges of the cake and adding little plants around the road. The lines on the road were also made
using this set. I added a "Welcome to Radiator Springs" sign, Lightning and Mater and it was done! Voila! Too, too cute. I LOVE it!

And don't Lightning and Mater look just AWESOME on the cake! I think so. :-)

I'd love to hear what you think of my cake. Please feel free to leave comments and/or ask questions and don't forget to stop by on Thursday for that yellow cake recipe. I think I got as many compliments on the taste of the cake as how it looked. It's yummy, yummy (all the butter in it probably has a lot to to with that yummyness).

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I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.


  1. This cake and your blog are so awesome! I would LOVE for you to link this up to my link party!

    - Kathryn

    1. Thanks, Kathryn! I'll head on over and link it up. :-)

  2. This "Cars" cake is sooooo cute! We're so glad you linked up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday". We loved having you!! Please come back next Saturday and share more of your great recipes! -The Sisters

    1. Thanks! I'll certainly be back next Saturday :-)

  3. WOW!!! This looks so good... You did an amazing job. I've pinned this. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday.



I am no longer actively blogging here at Taking Time To Create, so if you have a specific question, please email me at Thanks so much for stopping by!