
Friday, May 25, 2012

Technique Tuesday{Friday}: Graduation Cards

I intended to post this Tuesday, but we went to the zoo instead! We decided to get a membership this year, and I'm so excited about it. We already have a second trip planned for next week!
I think he kind of thought the zebra was real...or at least it should move. He kept telling it to get up. Silly boy. :-)

If you're like me, you probably have some graduations coming up this week. A couple of my cousins are graduating this year. I remember when they were born and was a flower girl in one of their parents' weddings, so it makes me feel a little old/weird. They're both girls young ladies, so I've got some more feminine cards to share today. Here's the first.
Here's a little bit on how to put it together.

The base is white card stock folded in half (like a hot dog) to create a card 4.25 inches by 5.5 inches.

The light yellow piece was 4 inches by 5.25 inches. I layered the striped piece (5.25 inches by 1.5 inches) on top of the yellow and then the maroon (or rose red) piece (5.25 inches by 2 inches) on top of that. 
 I stamped the "Graduate" stamp twice: once in two different colors. I cut a circle around the entire stamp and then use a 1.25 inch circle stamp to punch the "G" out. Then use a dimensional adhesive to attach the "G" Glue that piece to the card.
 I stamped a couple flowers and punched them out with the 1.25 inch circle stamp.
 Then I attached them both above the "Graduate" piece.
I added a "congratulations" sentiment on the side of the layered paper. You could emboss this or use use some type of lacquer. And there you have it!

For the second card, I went a different direction. 
 This card has the same base of a white piece of card stock folded to create a card 5.5 x 4.25 inches.
 I cut slits on each side of a piece of white card stock and then stamped the "congratulations" sentiment in several different colors in between the two slits.
I cut small pieces of ribbon and inserted them into the slits, wrapped them around the edges, and fastened them to the back with masking tape.
I stamped the "grad" sentiment in a darker yellow, cut it out, and attached it with a dimensional adhesive. Then, I attached the whole piece to a mustard yellow piece of card stock 5.25x4 inches, and then attached the whole thing to the white base. Here's the end result!

I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.


  1. The cards are so cute, and not too complicated.
    Great idea! Please share at the party this week.

  2. So great! Thanks for linking up to Flaunt It Friday! :) Hope you will come back and visit!


  3. Nice formats! I'm always stumped when it comes to grad cards so I appreciate the inspiration.

  4. These are SO cute! Perfect for all those new graduates right now! Thanks for sharing on "Strut Your Stuff Saturday!" We hope to see you this friday! -The Sisters


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