
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blog Makeover

My little guy took an early nap today (he usually naps while I'm at work), so I had some time on my hands. I've been wanting to redo my blog header, so I did that and got a little carried away...I redid pretty much everything! Here's the new header:
I took advantage of Picnik while I still could to get the tree in the banner and used Photoshop for the rest of it.

I couldn't stop there,though. I also created a button that I'm super excited about! It's available below and on my sidebar. Super exciting!

 Taking Time To Create

If you've got a button but aren't sure how to share the html code, you should check out this tutorial. It was so helpful and from the looks of it, it's helped a lot of people!

This was as far as I got during the nap, but I decided at work that I should change a couple more things to go with the new header, so I changed the background color and created new social media icons/buttons:

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
If you need help with creating social media icons, this tutorial from Sweet Verbena was super helpful. She uses Picnik, but I'm sure you can get around that. :-)

I'm super excited about the new look and hope you like it too!

I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.

1 comment:

I am no longer actively blogging here at Taking Time To Create, so if you have a specific question, please email me at Thanks so much for stopping by!