
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Technique Tuesday-Ladies March Birthday Cards

Every month I make birthday cards for everyone in my family. March had a lot of birthdays (18 or 19 if I remember right)! Making cards is my favorite craft. It's what got me interested in crafting in the first place. My favorite thing about making cards is using different techniques. It's always fun to see how a different technique will turn out. 

I love learning a new technique and thought you might too, so I'm starting a new series: "Technique Tuesday". If you enjoy making cards, I hope these cards will inspire you to make your own. :-)

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This first card uses a couple techniques. One is dry embossing. I'm not sure if you'd call the other one a technique, but it is kind of fun to make. It's a simple folded paper flower.

Dry embossing creates a raised image on paper. Use a stencil and a dry embossing stylus to make an impression of the stencil. See those little raised dots under the flower? That's where I did the dry embossing.

You can find the tutorial for how to make the flowers here.

The two cards above use a technique that creates different shades of color from the same ink pad. You ink up the stamp, stamp the image, and then stamp the image again (one or more times) without re-inking the stamp.

This last card also uses dry embossing and a variation of the last technique. I layered the images from two stamps, but before I stamped the base of the flower, I stamped on a scrap piece of paper, so the image would be lighter for the actual card.

I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.


  1. I love to make cards - a recently found joy of mine :) Love love love your first one :) New follower - found you through Girl Creative!


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