
Friday, March 2, 2012

Handmade Gift Bags

I needed a gift bag yesterday and remembered seeing these newspaper gift bags at How About Orange. What a great idea! I whipped one up real quick but used scrapbook paper instead of newspaper. 

I won't give you a full tutorial since there already is one, but here's how I used scrapbook paper instead of newspaper.

In the tutorial you're supposed to cute a rectangle that's 15.5 inches wide by 8.25 inches tall. Since my paper was 12x12 inches I needed to make it a little wider. Here's how:

  • Cut two pieces of paper 8.25 inches tall. One will be 12 inches wide and the other should be 4 inches wide.
  • Score the smaller piece vertically 1/2 an inch over from the edge.
  • I followed the instructions for scoring and folding the larger piece and applied it to both pieces before I attached them together, so i could use my scoring tool (it can only accommodate a 12 inch piece of paper)
  • Fold the section of the smaller piece you scored first. Put lots of glue on that folded area and attach the smaller piece the the larger piece to create one big piece.
  • Follow the rest of the directions in the tutorial to complete the bag.
I turned out pretty cute, and I think that it will be fairly quick to make the next time since I've got creating a larger piece of paper figured out. It's a great use for some of that paper I can't seem to stop myself from buying. :-)
I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.


  1. I think your bag looks as nice if not nicer than gift bags purchased at the store. So many of the store bought ones are made from truly ugly paper, so it would be nice to make your own from pretty scrapbook paper. Thanks for sharing how you did this and thanks for visiting my Cozy Home Kitchen blog. I'm your newest follower!

    1. Thank you, Shannon and thanks for following! :-)

  2. This is lovely and just what i needed to see today! We have a weekend of birthday parties coming up, gonna leave this computer now and go and select some paper...
    have a wonderful weekend! xxx

    1. I'm glad you liked it. I hope yours turned out well! :-)

  3. Great!! Lovely bag! I will be checking out the tutorial, so I can make some for the grandkids birthdays coming up in the next two months!! Thanks for sharing!!! :D

  4. These are so cute and you can personalize them for any occasion. I love them! Thanks for sharing!

  5. It is really cute!! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us at Sharing Saturday. Hope to see you again this week.


  6. You have been featured at my Linky Party!

    Mrs. Delightful

  7. In agreement with some of the others, I think your bag looks great. I also have to say, that my biggest complaint when purchasing gift wrapping materials is that it is hard to find the right size/color (exactly) that you need, when you need it. I usually have to buy a bag that is too large, because there are only about three sizes, and there are only so many colors as well...
    This will solve those problems for me, as I can customize my bags as my little heart desires....Thank you!


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