
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Being Thankful

Thanksgiving Countdown
On Sunday our pastor was talking about being thankful. He compared giving thanks to God to our children telling us thank you. We want to hear their wants and needs, but it's so wonderful and special when then tell us thank you for something (especially when they're little). It's made me want to try to be thankful in everything and every situation. I'm trying to find something to be thankful for whenever I can. We focus on being thankful around the holidays, but I think it's important to be thankful year round.

Since this is a crafting blog, I'm sharing a few thankful themed pins I found on Pinterest tonight.

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

I think that last one was my favorite saying that I came across tonight. 

I do have some projects in the wings to share with you. I just need to get those pictures edited. Tomorrow, tomorrow... :-) I will see you all tomorrow with a project of some sort...I promise!

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