
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Recipe Thursday {Sugar Cookies}

Welcome to Recipe Thursday! I missed posting yesterday…it was a go, go, go kind of day with no time to sit and write a post. I did my grocery shopping for the next couple of weeks. Fun stuff. :-)

On to the recipe! I mentioned the other day that I was making cookies for Day 4 of 14 Days of Valentines, so I thought I’d share the recipe for those cookies with you. They are sugar cookies! I use this recipe for just about every holiday but especially Christmas. I know it doesn’t sound super exciting, but they’re fluffy and not too sweet. Yummy! (Well, my husband said they’re yummy. I haven’t eaten any because I’m trying to behave :-))

I used a heart cookie cutter and sprinkled them with red sugar/sprinkles before popping them in the oven. They turned out so cute! 

Here’s the recipe. I believe it originally came from a Better Homes and Gardens cookbook, but it’s been “tweaked” a little. It’s the recipe my sisters and I grew up making for Christmas cookies. Every time I make them, it’s like seeing an old friend again. :-) 

***Keep in mind that I’m at around 6,000 feet above sea level, so you may need to adjust accordingly*** 

Preheat oven to 375 degrees 

  • 2/3 cup margarine (softened) 
  • ¾ cup sugar 
  • 1 egg 
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla 
  • 2 cups flour 
  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder 
  • ¼ teaspoon salt 
  • 4 teaspoon milk 

Combine margarine, sugar, egg, and vanilla. Separately, combine flour baking powder, and salt. Combine two mixtures along with milk. I don’t always use the milk. It depends on if I think the dough it moist enough already. I didn't put it in this time.

Chill 1 hour before baking

Roll out dough to about a ¼ of an inch thickness and cut out cookies. I find it works best to put your sprinkles on before you bake the cookies if you’re not icing them, so do that here if you’re just going to go with sprinkles.

Bake for approximately 10 minutes. The time changes depending on how big you cut your cookies. I baked them for 8 minutes, and my heart cookie cutter is about 2 inches wide at the widest point. At Christmas I baked cookies that were only about an inch in diameter and they baked in about 5 minutes. You kind of have to play it by ear, but unless your cookies are smaller, 10 minutes is a good starting point.

If you’re going to going with icing your cookies, be sure to let them cool thoroughly before doing your decorating.

I’m including a printable recipe card below without all my little side notes. I hope you enjoy them!

Click here to download the PDF recipe card.

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I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.


  1. Love sugar cookies!! these are so cute!! new visitor :) I have a linky party every Tuesday :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and I'll be sure to stop by your party on Tuesday!

  2. They look wonderful. I never have luck with sugar cookies, but I will have to give these a try. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday! I hope you will share with us again this week!

  3. These look SUPER cute and yummy...I LOVE it.. Would LOVE if you could please link it up via my Pin'Inspirational Thursday's linky party happening now pweeease.. ? I would sincerely appreciate it.. : )) ps: your newest happiest follower here with smiles : )) Would love if you could join me as well.. I also have a free blog review happening if you are interested ~ .. Wishing you an amazing evening.. Happy rest of the week.. ~Marilyn

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I linked up to the party and the blog review. :-)

  4. I'll head over and link up. :-)

  5. Delicious!!! Oh my goodness...looks so GREAT! Thanks for sharing at Overflowing with Creativity! I can't wait to see what you link up at my party tomorrow! I LOVE following're so inspiring!

    XO, Aimee


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