
Monday, February 20, 2012

Marvelous Monday {Weekend Adventure}

I have one less project to share with you this week, so I thought I'd share a few pictures from our weekend adventure today and give you a little preview of what I have in store for you this week. It involves PJs :-)

Since Valentine's Day was during the week, we decided to celebrate this past weekend. I did the 14 Days of Valentines for my hubby, so he wanted to plan a special day. And what did we do for our adventure? We went on a ride on the Pike's Peak Cog Railway to start...
At A Stop Part Way Up The Mountain
It was so beautiful up there!
Looking Up The Tracks
This next picture was while we were climbing one particular hill. I had the camera straight, but look at the slant on the window! Oh, and you could even see Kansas on the horizon. :-) We didn't get to go all the way up since it's winter (the wind on Pike's Peak is CRAZY in the winter...160 mph sometimes), but it was soooo awesome all the same.

After the awesome train ride, we headed down to the town of Manitou Springs. They were having a parade that day, so there were all kinds of people walking was quite a festive environment! We like going to the old arcade there, so we stopped in and played a few games...
I discovered that I'm terrible at least using a joy stick. I remember playing it on a phone or computer and doing a little better. :-)

 This was some kind of old hockey game. Kind of hard to play, but it was interesting looking.

We also did a little racing. It was a close race, and I was winning a few times, but, ultimately, my hubby was able to pull out the win.
We also had dinner and a movie, but that's not nearly as exciting as all this, so I didn't take pictures. 

And now on to the weekly preview! There seems to be an unintentional theme with this week's projects, and that was pajamas! I hope you'll check back this week for the PJ Projects.

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