
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Valentine's Day Card Tutorial & New Etsy Shop!

Oh boy, oh boy! I am so excited to share that I now have my Etsy shop up! People have been telling me for a while that I should try to sell my cards, so I thought I would give it a try. You can check out my shop here. My first items are Valentine's Day cards, and here's what they look like:

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Cute, right? I think so. :-)

Oh, yes. I mentioned a tutorial. I'm going to share with you a little bit about how I made this card. I started with a plain sheet of white cardstock, cut it in half, and then folded the half in half (is that confusing? I hope not).  I embossed the hearts in three different colors of embossing powder. That's right, three. Here are the colors I chose:

I don't like to freehand things if I can help it,but I didn't have a stamp that big. What to do? I made a heart shaped template that I was happy with and then traced around the edges with my handy dandy Versamark pen/marker. On a side note, a tip for creating a symmetrical heart: fold a piece of paper in half and then cut half of your heart on the fold. When you open it back up, both sides will be the same.

Once all that embossing was done, I created my "Linked By Love" sentiment piece. The sentiment is a stamp that I got at Hobby Lobby eons ago. I stamped that in red on white cardstock and then cut a piece of red cardstock that was about 1/2 an inch "longer" than it would need to be if I were just wanting to create a small border. This gave me room for the brads at the bottom.

I love using brads lately. They can add detail and a little pizzazz. Love 'em!

Here's a little hint about using brads. After you get them folded down in the back, pound them down a little with a little hammer (or something heavy). 

Then instead of this...'ll have this...

...which makes it a lot easier to fasten your piece down.

Once I got the "Linked By Love" piece together I fastened it to the front of the card. I added the inner sentiment.

Voila! The card is now complete. I'd love to hear what you think of my card. Please feel free to leave comments and/or ask questions and don't forget to stop by my new Etsy shop!

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I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.


  1. This is so cute...I love it. I'm your newest follower and would love it if you could share this here -

    Thanks so much and have a great weekend,

    1. I'm glad you like it and thanks for the follow! I'll head on over and share it. :-)

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful card and tutorial on Sharing Saturday! We hope you will join us again this week!


I am no longer actively blogging here at Taking Time To Create, so if you have a specific question, please email me at Thanks so much for stopping by!