
Monday, January 16, 2012

Holiday Hiatus Roundup

I've been on a bit of a holiday hiatus as far as the blogging was concerned, but I've still been creating! I think I'll share some more detailed versions at some point, but in the meantime, here's a glimpse of what I've been up to:
When I saw this Thanksgiving advent calendar at Lil Luna (guest poster Rachel from Family Ever After), I just had to do my own version. I don't have nearly as many Thanksgiving/Autumn decorations as I do Christmas ones, so I jumped at this idea.
I'd never made a sock monkey before, but when I saw this post about making sock monkeys for wildfire victims in Texas at Dollar Store Crafts, I decided to give it a try. I followed this tutorial, and I think it turned out pretty well. This little guy is now in the arms of some little one in Texas. I love the thought of that!
My new tree skirt was probably my favorite holiday project. Every year I say I'm going to buy a tree skirt, but I can't every bring myself to pay for one (some of them are very expensive). One day I was in my local dollar store and came accross table runners that just screamed "tree skirt", so I bought four of them and voila! A $4.00 tree skirt! It's much better than the piece of fleece I was using before.
The last project I'm going to share is my card holder. It's just a piece of cardboard (from a diaper box!) covered in some fleece and ribbon. I tacked down the ribbon in places on the front to create "pockets" of sorts for the cards.

They were fun projects, and I'm looking forward to getting them back out again next year. I hope you're inspired to take time to create some of your own projects!

I'm linking to these lovely linking parties.

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