
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Build A Tent Day

I had big plans today. I was going to make birthday cards to last me until the end of the year. Well, I got a bit distracted, and built a tent for my little guy instead.  

We used his folding tent, the couch, the TV, the coffee table, and anything else I could hook a sheet to. I'm not sure who had more fun-me or him. :-)
He may have even had more fun throwing his ball onto the tent than actually playing in the tent. 

It was a fun indoor activity for a chilly day inside. I did get three cards made and two started, so I'll try to share those tomorrow. 

I'm linking here:

1 comment:

  1. oh my, does that ever look fun! great to "meet" you and thanks for sharing on Craft schooling Sunday!


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