
Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Little About Me

I'm a mom of one little boy and am married to the most wonderful man. I'm what I call a part-time stay at home mom. I get to stay home most of the day and work in the afternoons for just a few hours. I only recently started this schedule and feel like I have more time on my hands, so I went in search of something to really "sink my teeth into". I stumble on the craft blogging community a few months ago and have been hooked ever since. I'm learning new things. I'm excited to start sharing some of my own ideas and my spin on some of the great ideas I've seen. Card making is my big "thing", but I'm learning and exploring with all kinds of projects now. My latest undertaking is learning how to crochet. I'm enjoying it so far!
I hope I'll provide some inspiration to someone out there like me. :-)

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