They're everywhere around town and they smell sooo good! They always remind me of growing up, because we always had a lot of lilacs in our yard. One day we filled our little red wagon up with water and then filled it with lilacs. It was lovely. Good memories. :-)
The tulips in our neighborhood have been bloomed for a while now, but my tulips are a different variety that bloom later. I was so excited this week to see that they were blooming!
I just had to share these with you too, so I created Facebook cover photos of the tulips for you to download. Just click on the photo to open it in another window and then save it to your computer. I'm also including links to download them below the photos. No need to be a follower to download, but I'd love it if you leave a comment. :-) I hope you enjoy!
Download the above photo here
Download the white tulip photo here

I'm having a blast at these lovely linking parties.